The mistery in the kitchen


Content Creation


Personal project


3 days


Content Creation


Personal project


3 days


Content Creation


Personal project


3 days

Case Brief

Charged with the challenge of maximizing content from a single day's shoot, my mission was to demonstrate how diverse and engaging social media posts could be crafted from the same set of culinarv footage.

Incident Report

"The kitchen, often a scene of culinary chaos, became the stage for a meticulously planned production. The objective was crystal clear: produce a variety of engaging social media posts from the same set of recipe footage, showcasing how creative editing can cater to different audience preferences across platforms."


With just one recipe and one cooking session captured on film, the challenge was to edit this single source into a series of distinct videos. Each edit was tailored to the unique formats and viewer expectations of platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Techniques varied from quick, snappy edits for Instagram stories to longer, more detailed versions for YouTube. Key evidence of my editorial acumen was demonstrated through diverse use of angles, pacing, and graphical overlays, making each version stand out as a unique piece while maintaining a cohesive brand aesthetic.


The varied edits not only demonstrated the versatility of the footage but also highlighted the efficiency of the production process, this strategy has revolutionized how we think about video content, multiplying our engagement without additional shooting days.

Further Notices

Encouraged by the success of this project, plans are in motion to further explore and refine techniques for multi-purpose video editing, aiming to provide even more cost-effective content solutions for clients. Detectives on the digital beat can connect with me down below.

Have a Project Idea?

After investigations, we gathered more clues about Caio.

If you want to connect with him or send him a message, check below:

Have a Project Idea?

After investigations, we gathered more clues about Caio.

If you want to connect with him or send him a message, check below:

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